
this or that: blue gingham canopies

Above, a neoclassical Swedish interior features a simple bed canopied in a blue gingham with a white embroidered bedspread. The room features a traditional tiled chimney, a sidechair upholstered in the same blue check and a gorgeous chandelier.

Below, the lit a la polonaise of  Hervé Pierre, creative director for Carolina Herrera, swathed in 92 yards of blue gingham. Interestingly enough the bed also incorporates embroidered linens.

Which one do you prefer?


  1. I loved your comment at the Sartorialist on the "size issue" and came over here. Thought I would like to stay in touch with someone who thinks this way. Thank you so much for putting it out there in good, plain English.

  2. Thanks Nat! I am a true believer of the power or images and image-makers. I really believe that they shape what we see and how we see it.
